Active Transportation

Frontenac County developed the 2019 Regional Active Transportation Plan to make active transportation enjoyable, convenient, safe, and comfortable for routine trips and recreational travel. This involves creating high quality walking and cycling infrastructure that allows people of all ages to travel safely and comfortably to reach destinations. At a societal level, the County envisions active transportation improvements as a way to support economic development and environmental stewardship. This plan intends to form a foundation for using active transportation as a tool for community vibrancy.

This plan includes recommendations for active transportation infrastructure projects as well as related education and encouragement programs. Creating a county-wide plan offers a chance for coordination and listening across the Frontenac region. Plan recommendations identify whether a respective recommendation is best suited for implementation by the County, a particular township, or another entity. Policy recommendations suggest opportunities to codify best practices for consistency across Frontenac County.


Regional Active Transportation Plan (2019) - Full Document 


  • 1 - Introduction
  • 2 - Existing Conditions
  • 3 - Township Analysis and Recommendations
  • 4 - Trail Standard
  • 5 - Education and Programming
  • 6 - Summary of Recommendations
  • 7 - Implementation and Funding
  • Appendices
  • Presentation to Frontenac County Council, July 2019


Documents available upon request by completing document request form here. If you require in accessible format please let us know.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who benefits from an Active Transportation Plan?

In short, EVERYONE. Active transportation has a positive impact on residents, tourists and businesses that operate in the county. The presence of accessible sidewalks, trails, cycling routes, and signage instills confidence in people who are interested in active transportation modes. Whether it is walking safely from school to the library on complete sidewalks or cycling to and from work on a paved shoulder, a cohesive active transportation plan can help prioritize improvements you want to see in your community.

Why do we need an Active Transportation Plan?

The County of Frontenac is preparing an Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to develop a realistic, feasible and implementable blueprint for the planning, design and implementation of non-motorized routes, infrastructure and promotion. The ATP will guide decision-making, coordination and collaboration between Council, local municipal staff, community partners and residents. Small and rural towns have great potential for creating viable networks that serve residents and visitors. Common attributes of a small-town network include connections between communities that are located along highways and access to retail businesses and schools in a relatively small area within the community core. 

There is an advantage of preparing a region-wide Active Transportation Plan for Frontenac. Working with all four Townships to set priorities for infrastructure improvement can result in economies of scale and a coordinated approach. The study includes all lands within Frontenac County. Trail links to external municipalities and adjacent Counties will also be considered. 
Part of this plan will be funded from the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program
(OMCCP). When the ATP is completed it can help guide implementation in the four Townships.

The Plan will be able to be used by the Townships Staff for OMCCP funding, long term project planning or for pursuing other infrastructure funding opportunities in the future.

What are the goals for the Active Transportation Plan?
 • To create in inventory of existing and proposed active transportation assets and facilities as a starting point to improve connections and coordinate improvements with the County and all four Townships.

• Establish a priority list of recommendations for the active transportation facilities and infrastructure. 
• Propose a trail planning standard to ensure accessible and safer active transportation systems for children, youth and seniors. 
• Develop an educational and promotional/marketing program to encourage use of active transportation by residents and visitors.

Where can I get more information on active transportation in small towns and rural communities?

As a start, please visit This website will help with visualization of what active transportation can look like in your community. The primary contact for the project is Richard Allen,  Manager of Economic Development