Declaration of surplus property owned by the County of Frontenac
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Corporation of the County of Frontenac By-law No. 17-1995, being a by-law “to Establish Procedures Governing the Sale of Real Property”, that the Council of the Corporation of the County of Frontenac intends to pass a by-law at its regular meeting on January 17, 2024 to declare lands legally described as
Part Lot 9, Concession 2, being Part 1 of Registered Plan 13R22990, Geographic Township of Hinchinbrooke, Township of Central Frontenac
surplus for the purpose of granting a right-of-way over part of the K&P Trail right-of-way at Cole Lake.
Further information is available by contacting the undersigned at 613-548-9400, Ext. 302:
Jannette Amini, County Clerk
The Corporation of the County of Frontenac
2069 Battersea Road
Glenburnie ON K0H 1S0